
Bodegas Eidosela


Bodegas Eidosela was born in January 2003 when a group of enterprising winegrowers decided to give shape to the idea of creating their own winery which provides services and support to producers in the area. Bodegas Eidosela represents the most deep-rooted tradition of Condado do Tea, a historical area in the production of wines since the time of the ancient Roman Empire. With this project, a path towards the search for excellence and the production of wines of the highest quality and the transmission of the valuable culture of wine begins.

As the production of a wine is an Art, BODEGAS EIDOSELA bases its image on the great personalities of art. The name Eidosela comes from the union of the place names Eidos and Sela which are the district and the parish belonging to the Concello de Arbo where its facilities are located. Our wines are made very close to the Miño, the "Gran" river that runs through Galician lands and from which the famous and appreciated Lamprea is obtained.